
331008712 Tarcza sprzęgła LUK 331 0087 12

Średnica 310mm
16 Zębów
Wielowypustu 27x30mm
8 Okładzin

Nr. porównawcze:
Renault 7700034477 , 7700038043 , 7700059711 , 331008712

Renault 103-12, 103-14, 103-52, 103-54, 106-14, 751, 751-4, 752, 752-4, 781, 781-4, 782, 782-4, 851, 851-4, 891, 891-4, 921, 921-4, 950MI, 951, 951-4, 954MI, 981-4, 95-12, 95-14 TEMIS 550

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DHL courier delivery : from PLN0.00
DPD delivery Saturday : from PLN30.00
Personal collection at the company's headquarters : from PLN0.00
Export up to 31.5kg DPD International shipping : from PLN217.00
DPD courier delivery : from PLN0.00