
231004613 Docisk sprzęgła dwutarczowego Massey Ferguson , Mc Cormic Landini Luk 231004611 = 231004613

Dostepny zestaw REPSET z tarczą Pto 631064217

Wielowypustu 35X40 mm
14 Zębów
Średnica 310mm

Nr z Odlewu 220121506

Nr porównawcze:
3532192M96 , 3532193M94 , 3532501M91 , 3532501M93 , 3540478M91 , 3547012M93 , 3547076M91 , 231004610 , 23100461 , 231004611

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Personal collection at the company's headquarters : from PLN0.00
DHL courier delivery : from PLN0.00
DPD delivery Saturday : from PLN30.00
Export up to 31.5kg DPD International shipping : from PLN217.00
DPD courier delivery : from PLN0.00